
Here you can read more about the 6 different national cultural funds (rijkscultuurfondsen), the initiators of this website. We tell you who we are, what we do and what we can do for you.

The national government wants as many people as possible in the Netherlands and ABCSSS Islands to have access to arts and culture. It therefore supports cultural institutions and creators all over the Kingdom. It does this through the 6 public cultural funds, among other things. These funds receive budgets from the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science (OCW). They provide financial support to local initiatives, institutions and creators. The funds ensure innovation and talent development. They actively seek to connect with audiences, creators and institutions throughout the Kingdom, including the islands. 

The national cultural funds (rijkscultuurfondsen) jointly fund all cultural disciplines: architecture, digital culture, design, visual arts, heritage, film, literature, performing arts and cultural participation and education. These are the 6 national cultural funds (rijkscultuurfondsen):