How can I apply for funding?
The national cultural funds (rijkscultuurfondsen) jointly fund all cultural disciplines through grant schemes. If you work in the cultural sector, you may be able to apply for grants from these funds. Please note that not everyone is eligible for funding. All the schemes have conditions attached which must be met in order to submit an application (a request for financial support). These conditions are listed beneath each scheme. Please ensure that you make it as clear as possible in your application how your plan meets the applicable conditions.
Submit an application
Submit an application through the website of the fund that best suits your plans. Do this with an online form. Sometimes there is a deadline and sometimes you can apply year round. This is indicated for each scheme. The fund sends the applications for any given scheme to an advisory committee. The advisors review the applications submitted based on the predetermined terms and conditions. Sometimes the committee makes positive recommendations. Then you are granted an award and can get started on your plans. Sometimes the committee rejects applications and you do not get funding. You can then try again later. Sometimes there is a positive recommendation from the committee, but too little budget. Then you may not get funding for your plans.
Selection schemes
It is not always easy to find the right grant scheme for your plans when you are based in the ABCSSS Islands. The 6 national cultural funds (rijkscultuurfondsen) want to help you get started by sharing a selection of their grant opportunities on this website. This can help you navigate to the website of the right fund in a targeted way where you will find a complete overview of the schemes in your field(s).